Nanny Cay is a great place to visit because people are friendly, you can get boat fixed, fun for kids. When you come into Nanny Cay there are two marinas — the old and the new. The new marina has better wifi at the dock. The old marina is closer to the pool. There is also a special chair by the bathrooms you can get internet. Directions to the pool from the old marina are when you get in your dock slip turn right, keep walking, go over the bridge. After the bridge you will see a low tree and a path and you will eventually see the pool. When you get to the pool there is a bar and restaurant. If you want a burger the burger on the kids’ menu is very small. I recommend ordering from the adult menu if you want a big dinner. There are also swings over by a really cool tree. I recommend go on errands with your parents because most of the stores have air conditioning like Arawak, the grocery store and Budget Marine. Nanny Cay also has lots of animals like cats and chickens. They like to roam around the neighborhood. There is also a hotel if you want a break from your boat.
Hi Ruby!! We just read this and loved hearing about Nanny Cay! We miss you and talk about you coming back all the time. We just biked past your house! :)