[Parent note: For Ruby’s first post we did an interview. Walter and Kate came up with the questions, but the answers are all Ruby’s.]
We have been on board for a month and a half. We have had some good times and hard times. Tell me about three places we have visited that you liked and why you liked it. Your choice might be because the place was cool, what we did there, who you met, or any other reason.
The place where we met my friend, oh yeah at Somes Sound. Jewell Island is my second favorite because it is where I had my birthday and because it had towers. I like this island (we are at Great Beach on Roque Island) because it has a long beach with soft sand.
What is the hardest thing about living on a boat?
Watching Leif barf.
I do not like sleeping next to the cat man.
It is usually messy around here. When we put the art stuff from my shelf and put them under the seat it helped a ton because that gave me space on my shelf.
Is that getting any easier?
Some days are good but when we bring groceries home it takes two weeks to put them away. Things were really organized then we got groceries and toilet problems and things got messy again
Tell me about some things you have learned. Can be skills or facts?
There are these little things on rocks that I thought were decorations but they actually are alive and they reach out and catch food. And they bring it back. They are called barnacles. I learned how to drive the dinghy with the outboard motor. I learned how to row. I learned to paddle the paddle board with my friend.
What do you like about Maine?
The thing about Maine is the cold water. I like the cold water and finding lobster buoys. It has a ton of good islands.
Tell me about your room on the boat.
It is in the front of the boat. I call it my room but I do have to share it. It is shaped like a V. I have one shelf and my brother has the other. We have two drawers, one on my side and one on his side and we have a centerpiece (an insert into the top of the V) that can be taken out and go back in. We have a closet. We have 4 windows and we have a seat. The favorite part of my room is the seat. On my shelf I store toys. I brought nothing that fragile because it would break. I brought some stuffed animals, my favorite stuffed animals.
What do you like to play with?
I play with my stuffed animals. I play with my doll. I brought Kaya (an American Girl doll). I play with my keyboard which I got from my birthday.
What is the best food we eat on the boat?
Spaghetti. Still. What do you mean by still? Because that is the best food we eat at home.
What boat job are you best at?
spray the hose when my dad pulls the anchor up. I am good at cleaning up and he is not (pointing at Leif).
spray the hose when my dad pulls the anchor up. I am good at cleaning up and he is not (pointing at Leif).
Tell me about fairy houses you have seen or built.
Monhegan was the place I first built them. You build it somewhere that looks cool and has soft
stuff, natural stuff. You spend an hour or a half hour. I use crab shells for beds and make stick houses. I use a rock or a broken tree or a tree that has a hole on the inside.
What do you look forward to?
I am looking forward to going to Ann’s (Kate’s sister in Maryland). My dog (which has been promised after the boat trip).